Cruze & Astra

Do you have a 1.4 or 1.6 Petrol Turbo Cruze or Sonic RS? or perhaps even a Diesel and you looking for that extra power to give it a kick in the pants, Or maybe your sick of the dead pedal feel? Then a ecu remap is for you!

Tuned 1.6 Turbo Cruze - 125whp stock vs 153 remap
Tuned 1.6 Turbo Cruze – 125whp stock vs 153 remap

Tuned 1.6 Turbo Cruze - 122whp stock vs 174 - E85remap

Tuned 1.6 Turbo Cruze – 122whp stock vs 174 remap.

If this sounds good to you, then contact me today to arrange for a custom dyno tune remap to unleash those extra ponies.

Cost: $550