So you want to convert to a 6 speed auto in your VT-VZ Commodore, here’s what it’s going to cost you:
If existing auto: $
Manual: $
Includes new flexplate & 2nd hand factory shifter assembly
Base pricing does not include the gearbox, but does include the following:
- Replacement of existing gearbox with 6L80
- Original tail shaft modified to suite 6l80
- Removal of Engine harness for modification
- 12L of Dexron 6 Transmission Fluid
- PCS Transmission Control Module
- New transmission cooler & lines
- Transmission Mount & Bolts
- Transmission tuning for diff ratio/torque converter lock up
- Neutral Safety & Reverse light relay configuration
- Tapshift Control switch
- LED Gear Indicator
Available options:
- All Fast Torque Converter built to your requested stall speed / engine combination
- Upgrade factory to Steel SFI Flex Plate & ARP bolts – Recommended for vehicles over 500whp (Included in Manual Price conversion)
- Deep Pan Sump & Filter
- Supply 6L80e with factory spec’d torque converter
- Replacement VZ Tapshift Steering Wheel or add tapshift buttons to existing VZ wheel
Just Want a controller and or assistance with gearbox tuning for your setup for some other type of engine / vehicle because your capable of installing yourself?
- PCS Controller – $1850
- Gearbox Programming: $300
We do not keep your existing parts, so you may be able to recover costs on your existing parts.